If there's one thing a marketer needs to learn, is to tell really good stories. Great brands are not made out of just the product; but everything around it, and people like Melkoum and Mouchegh Petrossian can really tell you how great brands are made. They are made out of sheer perseverance, and preserving that story, that legacy through generations.
Caviar, a phenomenon that arose out of the devastation that World War I had wrecked upon the European countries and Russia. It was a product that the Russian government sold to the French and German traders for cash since they wanted some foreign exchange to rebuild their economy which was in shambles after the Russian revolution. From here begins the caviar story.
Caviar, essentially is nothing but salted fish eggs! But then like French food, the French traders took this slimy black miniature beans, added all the fancy stuff like myths, exoticism and legends and completely converted the product into an exotic food item.
Caviar is not just salted fish eggs today. It's a testament to the Petrossian brothers who fled lands during the Russian revolution and then finally sold Caviar to the French. It is a mouthpiece that talks about the adversaries of war and how people got out of it. If you strip off Cavair from its brand, you can't tell one brand from the other. Most connoisseurs loath to admit it, but the fact is you can't tell one caviar from the other. Everything is just the same!
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