All about me

Greetings everyone. I doubt if you hopped in to this site by chance, but anyways, since this is an introduction of myself I believe it would be mandatory to provide my name. And for the record, my name is Bhushir Mankad. It would be practically impossible to describe myself in such minimalist space, given the limited words allotted for the introduction; but then if you are here just for my introduction, then I would suggest you to ‘buzz off’. Do not feel offended. That was just a warning to those nifty people who try to search their life partners in blog sites than ‘Sunday Matrimonial’!!! And believe me, such people do exist.

All I want to say is, thanks for visiting this site, though I would be more thankful if you visited my site again and again. Take your time, and browse through my blogs. And yes I aspire to write as good as Chetan Bhagat. So, for those who know about his book ‘Five Point Someone’, do drop me a line at And those who do not know about his book, my suggestion is buy it. Not because you can then give me critical analysis but it’s truly a good book.

Enough advertising! I was about to end here, but I felt some more disclaimers were necessary. It concerns the title of my blog site which, I would have loved to put it something as ‘Blueprinting Success’ or ‘The Blog spot of White Hopes’ but then someone would feel that I’m promulgating various crazy philosophies here which, to a certain extent is the case. And yes, about using the word ‘girls’ in the title, well, that was a trick to lure you into reading my blogs. But that’s the maximum voyeurism you’ll find here. Quite disheartening isn’t it?

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